More Catalogs & Databases

Supraregional catalogs and databases

Periodicals database - ZDB

The ZDB is the world's largest index of serial publications such as journals and newspapers.

Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog - KVK

The KVK is a service of the UB Karlsruhe for the identification of books and journals in library and book trade catalogs worldwide.

Electronic journal library

Electronic Journals Library - EZB

The Electronic Journals Library is a freely accessible bibliographic database of scientific electronic journals.

Database Information System - DBIS

The database information system provides access to scientific databases in all subject areas.


Core collects OA publications from international OA journals and repositories worldwide.


BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) is one of the world's largest search engines for scientific web documents. The full texts of many of the documents are freely accessible.

Other databases of the Common Library Network - GBV

Metasearch Catalogs - UB Bielefeld

Search multiple library catalogs simultaneously under a common interface. Includes German, European and international catalogs.

Selected TOP databases

The database information system DBIS gives you access to our licensed databases and those freely available on the Internet.

A small selection of important databases licensed for you:

DIN standards and VDI guidelines

For researching DIN standards and VDI guidelines, we offer you the Perinorm database.

VDE StandardsLibrary

With the VDE Standards Library, you have direct access to all valid VDE regulations.


SciFinder-n is an article and fact database. Included are bibliographic data of documents, chemical substances with suppliers and chemical reactions with legal regulations and inventories.

Web of Science

Web of Science is a search interface in which you can search for scientific literature in various literature and citation databases.

MSI Eureka

The database provides collected information on inorganic material systems from bibliographic data to phase diagrams.


Reaxys provides information on organic, inorganic and organometallic compounds with structures, physical data and chemical properties (reactions) and related literature from 1771 onwards, also patents (WO, EP, US) from life sciences and organic chemistry.

IEEE Xplore

IEEE Xplore gives you full-text access to over 5 million IEEE publications. On the "Help" page you will find tips and video tutorials. The written guide"Getting started with your search" also helps you with your search.