Reading room

What can you find in the reading room?
Literature on all subjects represented at the university: Reference books, current books, current printed journals from the last 10 years, and newspapers. Basic reference works from other subjects are available.
Numerous workstations for concentrated work. Many of the desks are equipped with a power connection and their own reading lamp. In order to be able to work undisturbed, some tables have a partition to the neighboring workstation.
How to find the right book?
You can search for all works in the reading room in our catalogs. There you will find the exact shelfmark as well as information on whether the copies are currently on loan or whether there are parallel electronic offerings.
How do you borrow books from the reading room?
The books are freely accessible and systematically arranged according to the Regensburg Union Classification. You can take the books out of the shelves on your own and check them out at the self-service desk near the service desk.
How long can you borrow media from the reading room?
Books from the reading room can be borrowed via the self-checkout for 28 days. An exception are books with a red signature label. These are not available for loan. Books marked with a short loan sign can only be borrowed for 8 days.